SP0/SP1 Range
SP22 Range
SP27 Range
SP4 Range
SP5 Range
SP6 Range
SP7 Range

Sunup generator technologies is a professional Manufacturers of complete Standby and Prime Electric Generators
7.5KVA to 2750KVA
Used in numerous applications our electric generators have prove to be a dependable electric source. Powered by diesel, LPG and natural gas engines our Sunup electric generators will help you generate your most efficient electric power.  
We offer a convenient range of electric generators for your market and application. Knowing that different situations will require different combinations, Sunup electric generators are equipped with various engines-generators and a complete line of optional equipment and switchgear.
Sunup electric generators are fully supported, we stand behind to provide full support; genuine parts, manuals, literature, installation recommendations are few examples of our commitment to serve to our electric generators.
Sunup electric generators are designed and built in accordance with IEC 600341-1 requirements, BS 5000, NEMA MG1-32 , CSA & C/UL, and CE.

Products show

SP0/SP1 Range
7.5 - 42.5 kVA

SP22 Range
50 - 85 kVA

SP27 Range
100 - 250 kVA

SP4 Range
250 - 400 kVA

SP5 Range
450 - 670 kVA

SP6 Range
750 - 1250 kVA

SP7 Range
1260 - 2750 kVA
Contact:Mr Peng +86-13358117318
     Copyright (c)Sunupgenerator All reserved.
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